Friday, August 7, 2009

Zoo Trip

McKenna's daycare was closed on Friday, so that gave us a chance to play at the zoo. We met Kara and McKenna's boyfriends (Finn and Riley) for a day at the zoo. McKenna LOVES the elephants and lucked out as Kelly (one of the elephants was working with a zoo keeper for exercise). He (the keeper) was moving all around the enclosure with peanuts and lettuce; Kelly followed him and performed various "tricks" to recieve treats. McKenna was delighted. She also enjoyed the lions who were out sunning and napping. Kara mostly slept in the bjorn. Both McKenna and Finn delighted in watching the zoo keeper cleaning the otter enclosure -- what is it about kids watching humans cleans up after animals?! McKenna rode the train (it scared her a bit) and the carousel (loved it and cried when we got off). I think her favorite part this time was running about and racing Finn from one place to the next. It never ceases to amaze me how patient and calm McKenna is watching the animals. She could sit for an hour watching the elephants and lions. She will tell you stories about them and remember from one visit to the next what her favorite animals were doing. Her two favorite stories about the zoo:
1. "Elephant picked a penut up with his trunk....and put it in mouth."
2. "Lion is napping...want lion wake up...daddy lion switches (swishes) tail and rrrrrrrrs (roars)."

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